Number seven, BABY!!!
Ramon and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary yesterday. With dating, that makes ten years as a couple. I don't feel old enough to have married the love of my life seven years ago. We celebrated last night by trying out a new Thai restaurant (Seattle has been overtaken by Thai restaurants, though the rising popularity of pho has allowed the Vietnamese to give them a run for their money), sampling their excellent Thai beer. We walked home and supplemented our already inebriated state by downing a bottle of two-buck-chuck and reminiscing about the last ten years. The rest of the evening is none of your business.
So I'm a little bleary-eyed today but still awake enough to feel profoundly grateful, firstly, that the wedding day is not only over but seven years in the past (a wonderful day but I still thank my stars that it's over forever at least once a month. I almost killed myself in the effort to NOT embody the Great American Bridezilla and I'm still not sure I completely succeeded. If I ever have the misfortune to find myself in the position of having to marry again, I'm doing it in Vegas with bloody Elvis) and secondly that The Ramon, a paragon of human wisdom and kindness, still loves me better than I've ever been loved in my life and I him. Here's to you, Monchis. I raise my coffee cup to thee. Drinks all around!
[end syrupy tribute]
Lucky in love, that I am.
So I'm a little bleary-eyed today but still awake enough to feel profoundly grateful, firstly, that the wedding day is not only over but seven years in the past (a wonderful day but I still thank my stars that it's over forever at least once a month. I almost killed myself in the effort to NOT embody the Great American Bridezilla and I'm still not sure I completely succeeded. If I ever have the misfortune to find myself in the position of having to marry again, I'm doing it in Vegas with bloody Elvis) and secondly that The Ramon, a paragon of human wisdom and kindness, still loves me better than I've ever been loved in my life and I him. Here's to you, Monchis. I raise my coffee cup to thee. Drinks all around!
[end syrupy tribute]
Lucky in love, that I am.